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explore crucial insights across multiple industries, all here within the Generis Group blog. 

    In the Global Life Sciences Market, What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You

    The global life sciences market is witnessing an unprecedented pace of change across pharmaceuticals, medical devices,...

    A History of Innovation at Mayo Clinic: Interview with Mark Wehde

    This October, Mark Wehde, Section Head of Technology Development at the Mayo Clinic Division of Engineering, will join...

    How to Build Your Quality Nirvana: Q&A with Kari Miller of Pilgrim QMS

    Quality management is an integral factor in the development, approval, and commercialization of medical devices. With...

    Norbert Leinfellner On His Passion For Change Management

    Prior to joining Fresenius, Norbert worked as a Program Manager at other medical device companies in the San Francisco...

    Women in Leadership: Raina Dauria, Johnson & Johnson

    In the lead-up to the American Medical Device Summit, we are highlighting some of the incredible women of the medical...

    US Medtech Industry Looking at Ireland as a Resource

    While the American medtech industry is thriving, it still must deal with challenges that include higher production...

    Benchmarks and Best Practices for Next-Generation QMS

    In a recent study conducted for Pilgrim, quality and compliance professionals from the top 2,000 Pharmaceutical,...

    The FDA’s New Approach to Digital Health

    Recognizing that their traditional approach to moderate and higher-risk, hardware-based medical devices is not well...

    Additive Manufacturing in Medical Devices: Insights from J&J and the FDA

    One of the promises of additive manufacturing is the ability to go after niche markets with low volume production of...

    Designing Medical Device Products for Emerging Markets: GEMBA, Jugaad, and Reverse Innovation – An interview with Palani Palaniappan, EVP at TerumoBCT

    We were honored to have Palani Palaniappan, EVP Innovation & Development, of Terumo BCT, join us at the 2017 American...