The data analytics revolution has the potential to transform the way companies organize, operate, develop talent, create value, and service their customers. The momentum is building in many companies, but only a few are reaping major rewards from their data.
Companies are doing a great job connecting assets, equipment, and devices, as well as gathering all that information into distributed databases. However, the challenge lies in finding ways to listen to what the equipment is telling us and responding in useful, actionable, and intelligent ways that improve business operations and reduce costs.
Effective listening enables companies to move away from reactive maintenance activities and move towards predictive maintenance activities. True success will come from breaking down the walls of silence between employees and the assets they are managing. Unfortunately, many asset management solutions gather and report data with little thought on how to support the change from reactive maintenance to predictive maintenance.
In this whitepaper, Cyient outlines the typical challenges of developing solutions that asset-intensive industries experience while implementing predictive maintenance programs. It also focuses on ways to overcome these challenges by driving profit and growth from new technologies and leveraging opportunities offered by big data and new digital operation models.
Click through to access the full whitepaper here.