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From manufacturing to supply chain, food & beverage to aerospace —
explore crucial insights across multiple industries, all here within the Generis Group blog. 

    Celebrating 10 Remarkable Years of the American Medical Device Summit: A Summit Recap

    Kicking off our fall summit season here in 2023, the 10th anniversary of our American Medical Device Summit concluded...

    10 Reasons to Attend the 10th American Medical Device Summit

    If you're in search of not only medical device industry insights, but actionable strategies as well, let us introduce...

    Mastering Safety-Critical Product Design

    When it comes to product design, what are the most common pitfalls for businesses to avoid? And with that being said,...

    Mastering Product Complaint Handling in the Medical Device Industry

    For medical device manufacturers across the globe, among their top priorities will inevitably include complaint...

    Shifting from Manual Processes to Automation | Medical Device Assembly

    When you think about “automation” and what it means for your business, what instantly comes to mind?

    Connected Manufacturing | MedTech 4.0

    To this day, many Medical Device manufacturers are still operating on paper… Is your business one of them? We’re...

    Q&A with Peter Rose

    A Frank Discussion on Economic Operators and How Maetrics Can Lead, Guide and Support Compliance Teams Ahead of the...

    Quality Maturity for Life Sciences: Q&A with IQVIA

    With pressures to drive down costs, remain compliant, and improve innovation and the safety of products, manufacturers...

    Leveraging Artificial and Business Intelligence to Drive Productivity Improvements

    Jaime Velez, Co-founding Partner and Senior Consultant at Operations and Quality Systems Improvement Experts (OQSIE),...

    EU MDR: Q&A With MAE Group

    Significant changes are ahead for medical device manufacturers. The EU’s Medical Device Regulation (EU MDR), which is...