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explore crucial insights across multiple industries, all here within the Generis Group blog. 

    Opening the Garage Door

    Digital technologies have upended the automotive industry. Formerly based solely on a business model of car ownership,...

    Leveraging Artificial and Business Intelligence to Drive Productivity Improvements

    This is an excerpt from an interview Generis Group did with Jaime Velez, Co-founding Partner and Senior Consultant at...

    Reduce Supplier Risk, Reduce Organizational Risk

    Risk is a major focus in most businesses today, regardless of industry. In the past few years, the Life Sciences have...

    An Executive’s Guide to Implementing Pragmatic Decision-Making with BI

    Business intelligence (BI) has become a critical component of success in managing effective organizations. According to...

    EQMS and Quality 4.0: Build a Successful Quality Strategy for a Life Science Company

    Quality is a critical concern in life science manufacturing industries, and leaders across life science companies have...

    Why You Need a New Quality Management System

    With technology rapidly changing, a global market, and competition around every corner, quality is one of the most...

    Membrane Switches vs Touch Screens for Medical Device Applications

    Membrane switches first debuted in the 1980s, as low-cost and fairly low-tech user interfaces. Though many still hold...

    Operational Machine Learning Use Cases

    Falkonry is a leading provider of operational machine learning for industrial companies that are looking to achieve...

    Track and Trace: A Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing An Effective Program

    Although the universal standard for pharmaceutical track-and-trace solutions has yet to emerge, the California Board of...

    The Medical Internet of Things (MIoT)

    The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as something of a phenomenon in the last few years. The concept has become so...