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From manufacturing to supply chain, food & beverage to aerospace —
explore crucial insights across multiple industries, all here within the Generis Group blog. 

    Focusing on Sustainable Supply Chain Outcomes

    Every industry has its own unique supply chain issues and are in need of solutions that support the optimal balance of...

    eBook: How Manufacturers Can Optimize CNC-Machine Tooling and Increase Productivity by 10-40%

    As in many other industries, to be competitive in the world market, CNC manufacturing companies need to reduce their...

    eBook: Avoid Catastrophic Events by Future-Proofing with NDT

    “The automotive industry is in the midst of an unprecedented transformation, including improving safety features....

    Inbound Logistics Solutions that Increase Manufacturing Efficiency

    Least-cost manufacturing is a business imperative, and the goal is lean inventories with no wasted space, time,...

    Infographic: Respiratory Concerns with Welding

    Capturing dust and fumes generated during welding presents a unique challenge, and, unfortunately, there are many...

    Case Study: Create An Automated, Efficient Inbound Logistics Process

    A leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft completed the design for a revolutionary new...

    Plasma’s Role in Engine Production

    Plasma nozzles mounted on robots accurately follow the complex contours of an engine’s cover and aluminum oil pan,...

    Aerospace & Defense: Failure Here is Not an Option

    About Eltek Eltek, a Nistec company, is a leading provider of complex Rigid and Flex-Rigid Printed Circuit Boards...

    Case Study: Averna Accelerates Production Testing for Automotive Radar

    Case Study/Automotive Check out Averna‘s informative case study on production testing for automotive radar, and...