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Inventory Solutions: Delivering Supply Chain Security, Lower Cost of Goods, and Increased Liquidity

  • April 28, 2022

With the current state of the global economy — brought forth by supply chain disruption — many organizations have been faced with a similar predicament:

“How can we make our business more resilient?”

Safeguarding revenue stability through a robust supply chain, whilst simultaneously avoiding the burden of an asset-heavy balance sheet, has posed a key challenge. How will our organizations enjoy the security of a Just in Case approach, without sacrificing the advantages of Just in Time? The conflict between security and efficiency in the supply chain is a difficult one to navigate. While procurement teams want to maintain a certain level of security for their supply chain, they often find themselves having competing priorities with the need for cash-friendly balance sheets. At times, the two needs seem mutually exclusive.

How does one achieve supply chain security without the downside of inventory-trapped capital?

Learn more in this e-book we created alongside Falcon Group, a leading global provider of asset and inventory solutions:


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