Q&A with Performance Solutions by Milliken
Any improvement methodology is only as effective as its execution.
Many manufacturers fail to support their improvement initiatives with a performance management system to provide guidelines and oversight. These companies typically struggle just to stabilize their operations, much less improve.
To institute success and drive organizations towards increased safety, productivity and efficiency, Performance Solutions by Milliken utilizes the Milliken Performance System. This system is built upon a foundation of strategic clarity and safety and is focused on engaging all associates in the uncompromising pursuit of zero safety incidents, creating alignment between operations and businesses and resulting in lean enterprise.
Help your business increase productivity, efficiency and safety.
Once the decision has been made that you’re going to create a measurable, process-oriented way of working in your organization, the feeling of being overwhelmed might soon set in. Instead of tackling all the issues at once, however, plan on making improvements step-by-step.
To successfully implement a performance system, manufacturers must:
- Reinforce Strong Leadership Practices: Leadership must be vocal about their support of the change taking place
- Intelligently Model: Create the proof of concept
- Intelligently Replicate: Strategically replicate where tangible results are possible.
- Attack Losses During the Journey: Are you currently allocating resources to your loss opportunities?
- Be Patient: Recognize that sustainable change requires a change in culture.
Click through to access the full Q&A here.
Performance Solutions by Milliken will be joining us at the American Manufacturing Summit 2019 this April. Join the Executive Discussion on Exceptional Manufacturing Performance & Quality led by Phil McIntyre, Managing Director of Client Development and Marketing at Performance Solutions by Milliken. He will be addressing system-based performance management, the next jump in manufacturing productivity, and cascading the business strategy into financial and operational results.