Demand for a lower carbon footprint and more sustainable packaging has never been greater among consumers and brand owners. Many leading brand owners have gone as far as to set long-term sustainability goals which require 100% of their packaging to be fully recyclable. Today, many leading associations estimate that less than 20% of flexible packaging is actually recycled, which leads us to the question: what can we do to change that?
Charter NEX has developed a family of film solutions called GreenArrow which were developed with a sustainability-first mindset. These films aim to rewrite the historical equation between packaging performance and recyclability. According to Nielsen, products which make claims about sustainable manufacturing procedures and business practices are seeing significant growth over similar conventional products. Charter NEX, through the GreenArrow portfolio, aims to enable brand owners to make similar claims around the sustainability of their packaging.
In advance of the American Packaging Summit, we spoke to Charter NEX about how they are innovating in sustainable packaging, why they are committed to helping their customers find sustainable packaging solutions, and how the GreenArrow product line supports this goal.
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Questions answered:
- Why is sustainable packaging an important initiative for Charter NEX? How do GreenArrow films fit into the larger portfolio of film solutions from your company?
- What makes the GreenArrow product family environmentally friendly?
- Is there a tradeoff between quality and sustainability in packaging?
- How do you source your materials and validate that the content is truly sustainable?
- Which commercial applications are GreenArrow films best suited to?