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Performance Behavior: the Lean Methodology for Continuously Improving Performance Behavior

  • February 15, 2017

The book ‘Performance Behavior’ (by Neil Webers) describes how an organization can link performance to behavior to minimize waste and optimize performance behavior.

8 FORMS OF HUMAN-WASTE  are outlined which obstruct continuous improvement:

Leadership-waste the result from too much push-management (based on authority)
Comfort-waste the result of targets that aren’t enough stretching
Communication-waste the result of misunderstandings that usually originate from meetings
Discipline-waste the result when people are not being held accountable for not adhering to standards
Goal-waste the result of employees having no idea of what is expected of them
Engagement-waste the result of asking people to take responsibility for events or results which they cannot influence themselves
Solving-waste the waste of capacity to solve problems when people work on solving problems without focusing on the root-cause of a problem
Tuning-waste is the waste where people talk about different problems or solutions

Find out more below!



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